Awaken the sacred within with an insightful reading to communicate with your guides and loved ones, or connect with The Akash for assistance.
Select Services: Choose the type of service you’re interested in. Whether it’s Akashic Records, Channeled Guidance, Mediumship or Transitioning Reading please make your selection.
Book Now: Once you’ve decided on the service, click on the “Book Now” button to schedule your appointment. Pick a suitable date and time for your session.
Go To Payment: After confirming your appointment details, proceed to request the service. Please make payment you can choose to pay securely through Venmo or PayPal.
Confirmation: Complete your payment using your preferred method, and you’re all set! You’ll receive a confirmation of your booking via email shortly after.
I assist you in accessing your Akashic Records; once entered, you can access all information about your past lives, present and future lives, and also all information about the paths of others.
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: $175
From an early age I have been able to access the astral and help you connect with your loved ones to say any finals words or reassurances you might need to move forward from your grief.
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: $190
With over 20+ years of channeling experience, I can be a conduit to channel your guides to assist you in getting clear insights about your current situation. I love being of service to you to help you get more clarity and discernment.
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: $175
Connecting you to your loved ones that have NOT crossed over to the other side. Their souls are in a transitional state of leaving the earth plane. They could be in a coma, have dementia or have a mental illness during hospice. I can communicate with the soul of your loved one to receive messages and final communications that need to be said before they depart. Available In-person or Online via video.
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: $250
With decades of experience in spiritual guidance, I have helped countless individuals awaken their inner wisdom. My journey is dedicated to facilitating transformation and deep connection.
Have questions about your spiritual journey? Seeking guidance, healing, or wisdom from the Divine Matrix? I am here to facilitate your channeling experience, helping you access higher levels of consciousness and insight. Let’s connect and illuminate your path together.